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As someone who grew up on the Westside, graduated from Lowell High School in 1989, and returned 
to the City in 1999 to raise a family and begin a career in biotech, I’ve witnessed along with you the 
gradual decline of our quality of life.    
Our middle-income and working families and long-time residents on fixed-incomes are fleeing the 
area. They are escaping the skyrocketing costs for housing, goods, and services, rampant homelessness,  
car break-ins, gridlock, empty storefronts, and a crumbling infrastructure.    
The threadbare “solutions” of the past from Sacramento are failing us.  Too often they are dictated by 
special interests vested in the status quo.  Indeed, many of the recent proposals are only making matters 
     • We don’t need top-down mandates -- such as SB-827 -- from Sacramento and unelected 
       regional agencies taking away local control while dictating zoning and housing density 
       decisions best left to city planners and our neighborhoods;   
     • We don’t need higher taxes and increased regulations driving local merchants out of business; 
     • When we approve taxes to fix our roads or build more reservoirs, let’s ensure the monies raised 
       are quickly and efficiently spent on their intended purposes.   
It’s time for change!  As your new Assemblymember, with your help, we’ll bring common sense 
solutions to  restore our quality of life.   
You can visit my website to learn more about my campaign.  Please 
donate on-line so we can reach more voters.   
I’m endorsed by the San Francisco and San Mateo Republican Parties and hope to earn your vote on 
November 6th.   

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