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Fighting to preserve the character of our residential neighborhoods and

enhance our quality of life!


We, the voters of California Assembly District 19, find ourselves at a fork in the road!


This November, there are two choices:


  • We can continue down the familiar road of the failed policies of the past and the present and vote for the incumbent, or


  • We can go down the road less traveled and vote for a candidate who will represent our interests, not those of entrenched special interests vested in maintaining the status quo.  Keith Bogdon is that candidate!


Keith grew up in San Francisco, attended our public schools, and after receiving his undergraduate and graduate degrees, returned to the City to put down roots and raise a family.    He and his wife Daksha have worked in the private sector for nearly two decades.  They are raising their 12 year old son, Damian, who is attending Roosevelt Middle School.


He is a fighter, works hard, does his homework, listens, is a quick study, and thinks outside the box.  He has worn many hats professionally over the years including those of a college teacher, scientist, and biotech marketing consultant. He will apply his many skills, common sense, life experiences, and private sector expertise to address the vexing problems facing our families and neighbors in the district.   


Keith will fight against Manhattanization of the Westside of the City and northern San Mateo County as he is against top-down dictation from Sacramento and from faceless, unelected, and unaccountable regional bureaucrats who are destroying the character of our residential neighborhoods.  Keith will also fight to restore decision-making power and local control to our communities and neighborhoods.


Together we will make a difference!  Vote for a fighter who will represent our interests! 


Vote for Keith Bogdon for the Assembly on November 6th!



* Article From the November Issue of the Westside Obersver


Open Letter to the Voters of Assembly District 19:  (Map)


Tuesday, November 6th is Election Day!  The polls are open from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.


If you are a San Francisco voter in AD19, you have three options for voting.   


  1. If you received your absentee ballot, but have not yet voted, you can either mail in your ballot, post-marked no later than November 6th, or hand-deliver it on Monday or Tuesday at City Hall, or on Election Day to any polling place in the City.

  2. If you plan to vote in person on Election Day, you can do so at your polling place or at City Hall.   

  3. If you vote at another polling place in the City, you will be required to complete a "provisional ballot" which may or may not be counted.


If you are a San Mateo County voter  in AD19, your basic option is to vote by absentee ballot.   


  • If you want to drop off your ballot or to vote in person, you can go to either the Registrar's office in San Mateo or to a voting center in Daly City, Colma, or South San Francisco.  Please see the link to their voting center locations:


Should you have any problems trying to vote, you should contact the San Francisco Department of Elections at (415) 554-4390 or the San Mateo County Registrar's office at (650) 312-5222.


If you have any questions about my campaign for the Assembly, you can contact my campaign consultant, Chris Bowman at (415) 648-4230.   He will be by his phone from 7:00-11:00 a.m. and again from 1:00-8:00 p.m. on Election Day.


I hope I have earned your vote to be your next Assembly member.




Keith Bogdon

Candidate, 19th AD



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